Complementary Chassis Systems for Ground Vehicles Safety

Moad Kissai1, Xavier Mouton2, Bruno Monsuez3, Didier Martinez, Adriana Tapus4

  • 1ENSTA ParisTech
  • 2Group Renault
  • 3Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Techniques Avancées
  • 4Ensta Paristech


10:20 - 10:40 | Wed 22 Aug | Schackenborg | WeA6.2

Session: Fault-Tolerant Systems


Redundancy of integrated systems has always been used in order to increase vehicle's safety. Some new technologies are however too expensive to be redundant. This paper proposes a new way to preserve the safety by enabling a kind of complementarity between different chassis systems. Optimization-based control allocation redistribution algorithms are used in order to find the best way to combine conflicting systems. Results have shown that one system can take over another one when a failure occurs making the control logic fault-tolerant and reconfigurable. This better suits future cars as additional chassis systems are intended to be more integrated.