Hierarchical Quadtree Feature Optical Flow Tracking Based Sparse Pose-Graph Visual-Inertial SLAM

Hongle Xie1, Weidong Chen1, Jingchuan Wang1, Hesheng Wang1

  • 1Shanghai Jiao Tong University


09:45 - 10:00 | Mon 1 Jun | Room T2 | MoA02.3

Session: SLAM I


Accurate, robust and real-time localization under constrained-resources is a critical problem to be solved. In this paper, we present a new sparse pose-graph visual-inertial SLAM (SPVIS). Unlike the existing methods that are costly to deal with a large number of redundant features and 3D map points, which are inefficient for improving positioning accuracy, we focus on the concise visual cues for high-precision pose estimating. We propose a novel hierarchical quadtree based optical flow tracking algorithm, it achieves high accuracy and robustness within very few concise features, which is only about one fifth features of the state-of-the-art visual-inertial SLAM algorithms. Benefiting from the efficient optical flow tracking, our sparse pose-graph optimization time cost achieves bounded complexity. By selecting and optimizing the informative features in sliding window and local VIO, the computational complexity is bounded, it achieves low time cost in long-term operation. We compare with the state-of-the-art VIO/VI-SLAM systems on the challenging public datasets by the embedded platform without GPUs, the results effectively verify that the proposed method has better real-time performance and localization accuracy.