Adaptive Cruise Control System for an Electric Vehicle Using a Fractional Order Model Reference Adaptive Strategy

Hanane Balaska1, Samir Ladaci2, Horst Schulte3, Abdelbaki Djouambi4

  • 1University L'arbi Ben M'hidi, Oum El-Bouaghi
  • 2National Polytechnic School of Constantine
  • 3HTW Berlin
  • 4Université Larbi Ben M'Hidi


11:22 - 11:44 | Wed 28 Aug | 019 | WeAT10.2

Session: Fractional Order Systems and Controllers for Industrial Processes: Advances and Prospects


With the depletion of fossil fuels, and the increased environment concerns, there is more and more interest in Electric Vehicles (EVs) from automobile manufacturer and governments in the entire world. In this paper, a fractional order model reference adaptive control (FOMRAC) system is designed for the cruise control of a DC motor-driven electric vehicle. The vehicles powertrain model is exposed and the control design is developed and detailed. The major contribution in this work is to use fractional order reference adaptive controllers for both two layer control loops: regulating the current for the inner loop and the desired speed tracking for the outer. Numerical simulations illustrate the performance improvement using the proposed control strategy.