Aktiia Bracelet: Monitoring of Blood Pressure Using Off-The-Shelf Optical Sensors


08:45 - 09:00 | Wed 24 Jul | R2 - Level 3 | WeA13.2

Session: Recent Advances on Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Measurement Technology I 


The performance of the Aktiia OBPM algorithms to measure blood pressure at the wrist was investigated in this study. For two months, six volunteers recorded blood pressure values at the arm using a brachial cuff. Simultaneously, optical signals at the wrist were recorded using off-the-shelf PPG sensors. At the end of the study, the optical signals were processed by the Aktiia OBPM algorithms to generate blood pressure estimations. The algorithms were initialized using the first brachial blood pressure value recorded at the inclusion day. The blood pressure readings estimated by the Aktiia OBPM algorithms fell within the AAMI/ISO81060-2 requirements up to two months after the initialization procedure.