Neural Network Growth under Heterogenous Magnetic Gradient Patterns

Derek Judge1, Anja Kunze2

  • 1Montana State University, Department of Electrical and Computer
  • 2Montana State University


16:30 - 18:30 | Thu 21 Mar | Grand Ballroom B | ThPO.48

Session: Poster Session I


Magnetic nanoparticles are a versatile tool to modulate calcium signaling, alter intracellular vesicle dynamics, or interfere with gene expression in cerebral neurons through imposing magnetic field gradients on the nanoparticles. However, a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanism, costly experimental magnetic setups and the complexity of magnetic gradient design currently hinder advancements and further integrations into drug studies and clinical translation. Here, we present a robust, low-cost magnetic platform, which is compatible with standard cell culture assays and Petri dishes, in combination with a fully integrated computation of the superimposing magnetic field and force maps. Utilizing the magnetic Petri dish platform, we designed and studied the impact of different magnetic field patterns on force-mediated neurite growth in dissociated primary rodent cortical neurons. We found that neurite growth re-orients strongest within a symmetric bidirectional magnetic gradient pattern without impairing neurite growth. Our magnetic Petri dish platform provides convenient means to extend magnetic force studies into tissue engineering, pharmaceutical, and translational studies, bringing a variety of benefits to medical neuroengineering.