Auditory Imagery Classification with a Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface

Lochi Yu1, Melissa González1, Niko Roehner2, Jose Pablo Segura1, Esteban González1, Andrey Solano3, Luis Murillo1, Walter Bolaños1, Emilio Rojas1

  • 1Universidad de Costa Rica
  • 2Hamburg University of Technology
  • 3KTH


16:30 - 18:30 | Thu 21 Mar | Grand Ballroom B | ThPO.38

Session: Poster Session I


BrainComputer Interfaces using motor imagery have been exploredduringmany years. Auditory imagery,nonetheless, has been a rarely explored approach, buta one that might open new possibilities in musical interface, communication and speech synthesis.Using a non-invasive BCI,open source software, andau-ditory imagery ofwhite noise, we testedseveral classification algorithms todetermine the accuracy and usefulnessof using non-motor imagery EEG signals.We tested 15 healthy adults with a 6 electrode EEG setup and the open source platform OpenVibe. Our results showthat using a Support Vector Machine classifier and our experimental setup, we could achieve up to93%accuracy in white noiseimagery in our subjects. Lin-ear Discriminant Analysis and MultiLayer Perceptron setups yielded accuracy of 73-76%.