A Concept of Medical Expertise Pooling by Tele Sensing and Manipulation: Emergency Medicine Case

Sakura Sikander1, Pradipta Biswas1, Pankaj Pramod Kulkarni1, Hansen A. Mansy1, Nazanin Rahnavard2, Sang-Eun Song1

  • 1University of Central Florida
  • 2University of central Florida


10:45 - 11:00 | Wed 8 Nov | Room G1-G2 | WAT3.6

Session: Technical Session Track 3


Physicians are not evenly distributed throughout the United States. To overcome this physical limitation, we propose a concept of medical expertise pooling, which will redistribute the expertise throughout the nation more evenly. To establish this concept, we are proposing a system with emerging tele sensing and manipulation technologies over the network. In case of emergency, the proposed system can particularly be more important as it will provide more efficient support in the critical battle against time for diagnosis and treatment of a patient. Despite the physical constraint of long distance between the physician and the patient, the system will provide the visual, body sound and tactile feedback to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment that can contribute to increase in survival rates. While the proposed system utilizes existing technologies and resources, it is highly innovative as it implements a medical expert pooling paradigm that can lead to significant advancements in patient care.