Translational Demonstration – IEEE 11073 SDC (Service-Oriented Device Connectivity) Medical Device Interoperability - Distributed Alarm Notification Demo Showcase

Martin Kasparick1, Björn Andersen, Carole C. Carey, William Ash2

  • 1University of Rostock
  • 2IEEE-SA


12:00 - 13:45 | Mon 6 Nov | Auditorium Foyer, E1/E2, Upper Atrium Space | MLunch_Break.35

Session: Lunch, Posters and POC Technologies Demonstrations – Session I


Medical device systems become more and more complex. Manufacturer-independent interoperability between medical devices among each other and to the clinical IT systems is one of the key enabler to support physicians and caregivers. This is addressed by the new IEEE 11073 standard family for Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (IEEE 11073 SDC). For this translational demo showcase, we have chosen one aspect of semantically interoperable-networked medical device ensemble to demonstrate the benefit and technical background: Distributed alarm notifications. The management of physiological and technical alerts is crucial for medical treatments – especially in the OR and ICU. Alarm fatigue, desensitization, and the noise caused by the huge amount of alarms, especially false or clinically non-relevant alarms, cause serious problems for patients, physicians, and caregivers. Therefore, we will demonstrate a manufacturer-independent distributed alarm notification system that covers bedside devices, control rooms, and mobile devices. We use the Service-Oriented Medical Device Architecture (SOMDA) that is specified in the new IEEE 11073 SDC family of standards. This demonstration will show how meaningful alerts can be displayed to the human user in safe and convenient ways. We use small (and easy-to-transport) vital sign measuring devices, like a pulse oximeter and an ECG development board, acting as primary alarm detecting and notifying devices. These simple devices represent comp