Special Glasses for Obstacle Detection with Location System in Case of Emergency and Aid for Recognition of Dollar Bills for Visually Impaired Persons

Luis Serpa-Andrade1, Eduardo Pinos2, Jhonny Guillen-Peñarreta1, Carlos Vizhñay-Aguilar1

  • 1Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Cuenca
  • 2Universidad Politécnica Salesiana


12:00 - 13:45 | Mon 6 Nov | Auditorium Foyer, E1/E2, Upper Atrium Space | MLunch_Break.17

Session: Lunch, Posters and POC Technologies Demonstrations – Session I


A visually impaired person or a person with visually impaired, daily has difficulties to learn to recognize or differentiate objects when performing any activity, such as walking the streets or being able to recognize dollar bills of different denomination, this makes that the people with this type of disability cannot adapt easily to the society. Usually the visually impaired persons depend on someone to help them in their daily lives. The method that will be used for this problem is to adapt an ultrasonic sensor to the glasses, since most of the visually impaired persons wear glasses, there would not be any problem. The ultrasonic sensor will have its respective circuit, which will issue a repetitive vibration to indicate the proximity of an obstacle, an emergency button will be implemented too, in case it is necessary, it will send a signal to a mobile device (cellphone) that can be property of a family member or of a rescue service. In addition, an Android application that allows the visually impaired person to recognize dollar bills of different denomination.