A Fluid-Dynamic based Approach to Reconnect the Retinal Vessels in Fundus Photography

Francesco Caliva'1, Andrew Hunter, Piotr Chudzik2, Giovanni Ometto3, Luca Antiga4, Bashir Al-Diri

  • 1REVAMMAD - University of Lincoln (UK)
  • 2University of Lincoln
  • 3Aarhus University Hospital
  • 4Orobix srl


14:35 - 14:50 | Wed 12 Jul | Rushmer Room | WeBT16.2

Session: Retinal Imaging I


This paper introduces the use of fluid-dynamic modeling to determine the connectivity of overlapping venous and arterial vessels in fundus images. Analysis of the retinal vascular network may provide information related to systemic and local disorders. However, the automated identification of the vascular trees in retinal images is a challenging task due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, nonuniform illumination and the fact that fundus photography is a projection on to the imaging plane of three-dimensional retinal tissue. A zero-dimensional model was created to estimate the hemodynamic status of candidate tree configurations. Simulated annealing was used to search for an optimal configuration. Experimental results indicate that simulated annealing was very efficient on test cases that range from small to medium size networks, while ineffective on large networks. Although for large networks the nonconvexity of the cost function and the large solution space made searching for the optimal solution difficult, the accuracy (average success rate = 98.35%), and simplicity of our novel approach demonstrate its potential effectiveness in segmenting retinal vascular trees.