EMG-Based Prosthesis Control for Upper Limb Amputation

Han-Jeong Hwang1

  • 1Kumoh National Institute of Technology


08:30 - 08:45 | Wed 12 Jul | Roentgen Hall | WeAT1.3

Session: Recent Progress in Biosignal-Based Human-Computer Interaction


Cardiac allograft rejection is one major limitation for long-term survival for patients with heart transplants. The endomyocardial biopsy is one gold standard to screen heart rejection for patients that have heart transplantation. However, manual identification of heart rejection is expensive and time-consuming. With the development of imaging processing techniques and machine learning tools, automatic prediction of heart rejection using whole-slide images is one promising approach to improve the care of patients with heart transplants. In this paper, we first develop a histopathological whole-slide image processing pipeline to extract features automatically. Then, we construct deep neural networks with and without regularization and dropout to classify the patients into non-rejection and rejection respectively. Our results show that neural networks with regularization and dropout can significantly reduce overfitting and achieve more stable accuracies.