An Isometric Muscle Force Estimation Framework based on High-Density Surface EMG Array and NMF Algorithm

Chengjun Huang1, Xiang Chen2, Shuai Cao1, Xu Zhang1

  • 1University of Science and Technology of China
  • 2University of Science & Technology of China


11:30 - 13:30 | Fri 26 May | Emerald III, Rose, Narcissus & Jasmine | FrPS1T1.61

Session: Poster I


To realize accurate muscle force estimation, an isometric muscle force estimation framework based on high-density surface EMG Array and NMF algorithm, which can extract the input of the prediction model from the appropriate activation area of the skeletal muscle, was proposed in this paper. The proposed method could significantly improve the quality of force estimation compared with conventional methods, which thus can be further employed in muscle heterogeneity analysis, myoelectric prostheses and the control of exoskeleton devices.