Quantification of the Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Qifan Bai1, Tianyu Shen2, Baoteng Xu1, Qian Yu1, Huijun Zhang3, Chengjie Mao4, Chunfeng Liu4, Shouyan Wang5

  • 1Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
  • 2Shanghai University
  • 3Suzhou University
  • 4Second Hospital Affiliated of Suzhou University
  • 5Fudan University


11:30 - 13:30 | Fri 26 May | Emerald III, Rose, Narcissus & Jasmine | FrPS1T1.21

Session: Poster I


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder and severely affects their daily life. The diagnosis depends on the presence of one or more of common motor symptoms of the disease. As PD is chronic and slowly progressive, the symptoms continue and worsen over a long period of time. Quantification of the motor symptoms of PD is helpful for diagnosing and monitoring patients' conditions. This paper provided approaches to quantify the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease with wearable devices, and the quantification was developed with four paradigm maneuvers. The quantification parameters included tremor frequency, amplitude of hands movement, speed of foot-tapping and turning duration. The approach provided quantitative measures for the tremor, bradykinesia and gait symptoms, which could be useful for optimization of drug or deep brain stimulation treatments.