A Systematic Approach for Minimizing Physical Experiments to Identify Optimal Trajectory Parameters for Robots

Ariyan Kabir1, Joshua Langsfeld2, Cunbo Zhuang3, Krishnanand N. Kaipa4, Satyandra K. Gupta5

  • 1GrayMatter Robotics
  • 2University of Maryland
  • 3University of Maryland, College Park
  • 4Old Dominion University
  • 5University of Southern California


10:25 - 10:30 | Tue 30 May | Room 4611/4612 | TUA6.7

Session: Learning and Adaptive Systems 1


Use of robots is rising in process applications where robots need to interact with parts using tools. Representative examples can be cleaning, polishing, grinding, etc. These tasks can be non-repetitive in nature and the physics-based models of the task performances are unknown for new materials and tools. In order to reduce operation cost and time, the robot needs to identify and optimize the trajectory parameters. The trajectory parameters that influence the performance can be speed, force, torque, stiffness, etc. Building physics-based models may not be feasible for every new task, material, and tool profile as it will require conducting a large number of experiments. We have developed a method that identifies the right set of parameters to optimize the task objective and meet performance constraints. The algorithm makes decisions based on uncertainty in the surrogate model of the task performance. It intelligently samples the parameter space and selects a point for experimentation from the sampled set by determining its probability to be optimum among the set. The iterative process leads to rapid convergence to the optimal point with a small number of experiments. We benchmarked our method against other optimization methods on synthetic problems. The method has been validated by conducting physical experiments on a robotic cleaning problem. The algorithm is general enough to be applied to any optimization problem involving black box constraints.