Investigating the Interaction between Ballistocardiogram and Respiratory Phases


09:05 - 09:55 | Fri 17 Feb | Ballroom D | FrRAF.13

Session: Rapid Fire Session 03: Sensor Informatics II


Interactions between cardiovascular parameters and the respiratory phases have been studied previously using Electrocardiography. In this paper, we explore variations of waveform features extracted from Ballistocardiograms (BCG) at different phases during the respiratory cycle. We use a dataset collected from 60 volunteers, with a bed sensor positioned under the mattress. Results show considerable differences in BCG features between inhalation and exhalation peaks. Previous studies have shown interactions between system hemodynamics and respiration [1]. Authors of [2] reported 2% increase in heart rate during inspiration as well as other effects of phasic respiration such as 17% inspiratory decrease of left ventricular systolic volume. A study on PPG signals also showed a reduction in the peak amplitude during inspiration [3]. Significant changes in morphology of the BCG signal was noted by Starr [4], repeated in corresponding respiratory cycles. In this study we get together multiple morphological features of the BCG waveform, to investigate their possible variations with respect to the respiration cycles, for a better characterization of the BCG waveform for non-invasive health monitoring.