EEG based Image Encryption via Quantum Walks

Nitin Rawat1, Younghak Shin2, Ilangko Balasingham

  • 1gwangju institute of science and technology
  • 2NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


08:45 - 09:00 | Wed 17 Aug | Fantasia P | WeAT11.4

Session: Latest Advances in Radio Frequency, Molecular, and Processing Technologies for In-Body and On-Body Sensor Systems (Part I)


An electroencephalogram (EEG) based image encryption combined with Quantum walks (QW) is encoded in Fresnel domain. The computational version of EEG randomizes the original plaintext whereas QW can serve as an excellent key generator due to its inherent nonlinear chaotic dynamic behavior. First, a spatially coherent monochromatic laser beam passes through an SLM, which introduces an arbitrary EEG phase-only mask. The modified beam is collected by a CCD. Further, the intensity is multiply with the QW digitally. EEG shows high sensitivity to system parameters and capable of encrypting and transmitting the data whereas QW has unpredictability, stability and non-periodicity. Only applying the correct keys, the original image can be retrieved successfully. Simulations and comparisons show the proposed method to be secure enough for image encryption and outperforms prior works. The proposed method opens the door towards introducing EEG and quantum computation into image encryption and promotes the convergence between our approach and image processing.