Learning Risk-Aware Costmaps for Traversability in Challenging Environments

David Fan1, Sharmita Dey2, Ali-Akbar Agha-Mohammadi3, Evangelos Theodorou4

  • 1NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 2University of Goettingen, NASA JPL, UMG
  • 3NASA-JPL, Caltech
  • 4Georgia Institute of Technology


10:10 - 10:15 | Thu 26 May | Room 122B | ThA16.03

Session: Planning under Uncertainty I


One of the main challenges in autonomous robotic exploration and navigation in unknown and unstructured environments is determining where the robot can or cannot safely move. A significant source of difficulty in this determination arises from stochasticity and uncertainty, coming from localization error, sensor sparsity and noise, difficult-to-model robot-ground interactions, and disturbances to the motion of the vehicle. Moreover, modeling the distribution of uncertain traversability costs is a difficult task, compounded by the various error sources mentioned above. In this work, we take a principled learning approach to this problem. We introduce a neural network architecture for robustly learning the distribution of traversability costs. Because we are motivated by preserving the life of the robot, we tackle this learning problem from the perspective of learning tail-risks, i.e. the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR). We show that this approach reliably learns the expected tail risk given a desired probability risk threshold between 0 and 1, producing a traversability costmap which is robust to outliers, accurately captures tail risks, and is computationally efficient, when compared against baselines. We validate our method on data collected by a legged robot navigating challenging, unstructured environments including an abandoned subway, limestone caves, and lava tube caves.