Synthesis for Controllability and Observability of Logical Control Networks

Kuize Zhang1, Karl Johansson2

  • 1KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • 2Kth Royal Institute Of Technology


10:00 - 10:20 | Wed 11 Dec | Méditerranée A2 | WeA04.1

Session: Boolean Control Networks


Finite-state systems have applications in systems biology, formal verification and synthesis problems of infinite-state (hybrid) systems, etc. As deterministic finite-state systems, logical control networks (LCNs) consist of a finite number of nodes which can be in a finite number of states and update their states. In this paper, we investigate the synthesis problem for controllability and observability of LCNs by state feedback under the semitensor product framework. We show that state feedback can never enforce controllability of an LCN, but sometimes can enforce its observability. We prove that for an LCN Σ and another LCN Σ′ obtained by feeding a state-feedback controller into Σ, (1) if Σ is controllable, then Σ′ can be either controllable or not; (2) if Σ is not controllable, then Σ′ is not controllable either; (3) if Σ is observable, then Σ′ can be either observable or not; (4) if Σ is not observable, Σ′ can also be observable or not.