Point-of-Care Magnetofluidic Platform for Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Detection and Antimicrobial Resistance Determination

Jeff Wang1, Alexander Trick1

  • 1Johns Hopkins University


12:30 - 14:30 | Thu 21 Nov | Room E1&2 | B1P-A.8

Session: Technology Demonstrations


We have developed a portable magnetofluidic platform for diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) with simultaneous evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility. Our instrument automates sample processing and nucleic acid amplification assays within a single disposable thermoplastic cartridge using transport of functionalized magnetic particles. The cartridges contain preloaded reagents for a duplexed PCR assay targeting an NG-specific opa gene and the wildtype gyrA gene indicating pathogen susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. Sample-to-answer results from our cartridge assays in 15 minutes enables potential for guiding clinician decisions at the point-of-care and promote antimicrobial stewardship with more diverse options for treatment.