Human Robot Collaboration (HRC): Biomechanical Limits, Modeling and Testing to Support Safe Robot Contacts with Humans

Joe Falco1

  • 1NIST


09:00 - 18:00 | Mon 4 Nov | LG-R17 | MoW-R17.1

Session: Human Robot Collaboration (HRC): Biomechanical Limits, Modeling and Testing to Support Safe Robot Contacts with Humans


A new class of robots supporting human robot collaborative applications are designed to safely work alongside human. These robots are equipped with force sensing and active force control strategies or compliance through mechanical actuator technologies in order to limit forces and prevent injury upon contacts with humans. To ensure that humans are tolerable to contacts by the robot, biomechanical pressure and force limits are being developed that are based on both injury and pain tolerance. In addition to establishing these limits, other research areas include the development of models to predict robot parameters for safe human contacts and test methods to verify robot operation These tools are needed by the robot manufacturers as well as the application end-user before any system is commissioned for collaborative operation with humans. This workshop, organized by individuals involved in the development of ISO 299 Robot Safety Standards to support human robot collaboration (HRC), will for the first time bring together researchers involved in the development of biomechanical limits, modeling, and test methods to support safe contacts with humans by collaborative robot systems with the goal of developing unified approaches to solving these difficult problems. In addition, the workshop will help to inform the robotics community of this ongoing research that is crucial to successful implementation of safe collaborative robot applications.The workshop will provide talks by leading researchers from both the biomechanics and robotics fields involved the development of pain and pressure based biomechanical limits as well as the associated modeling methods supporting low velocity robot contacts with humans and test methods to support the development of safe power and force limited robotic applications. It will also include a poster session to showcase some of the most recent research within the academic community that supports safe collaborative operation, including robotic control, mechanics and sensing, to raise awareness and spur discussions amongst the robotics and biomechanics community. The workshop will conclude with a one-hour discussion period and road mapping session to help unify the direction of this research community and promote collaboration amongst researchers.