Detection and isolation of DoS and integrity attacks in Cyber-Physical Microgrid System


11:40 - 12:00 | Wed 16 Oct | Andino | W4-2-3

Session: Control in power electronics and electrical drives


Security and reliability in cyber-physical systems is a task that has attracted the attention of the community, due to cyber-attacks that have been occurring. A microgrid is a typical cyber-physical system that uses different sources of power generation for supply to a specific population. The adequate coordination in each one of the control schemes that implement allow obtained an adequate functioning of the system. However, this type of system is susceptible to malicious attacks, that affect the performance and operation of the system. This paper addresses on the detection and isolation of attacks that affect communication channels with the failed transmission of sensor data and / or controllers. The idea of the method of detection and isolation of faults is used, to identify the origin of the attack and provide an intuitive idea of the type of attack that is affecting the system.