Dynamic Time Warping and Spectral Clustering Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Railway Point Machines

Heng Du1, Zhen Li2, Ruijun Chen3, Zhuo Yin1, Zhe Fu1, Qiang Zhang1, Xiao Xiao1, Ming Luo1, Feng Bao4

  • 1Traffic Control Technology Co., Ltd
  • 2School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaot
  • 3Huhhot Urban Rail Transit Construction Management Co., Ltd
  • 4National Engineering Laboratory for Urban Rail Transit Communica


14:15 - 14:30 | Mon 28 Oct | The Great Room III | MoE-T4.2

Session: Special Session on Smart Railways (III)


Point machine plays a very important role in metro operation. Among these infrastructure failures in urban rail transit systems, vast majority of them are triggered by railway point machines. Thus, fault detection and di- agnosis should be well concerned to ensure traffic safe- ty. In this paper, we propose to employ dynamic time warping and spectral clustering to handle this problem. Firstly, dynamic time warping method is used to com- pare unequal sequences with phase-shifted shape. Sec- ondly, spectral clustering method is applied to deal with the classification problem without training steps. At last, simulation results demonstrate well performance of the proposed scheme.