Model of the Automated Warehouse Management and Forecasting System in the Conditions of Transition to Industry 4.0

Vladimir Lototsky1, Rustem Sabitov2, Gulnara Smirnova2, Bulat Sirazetdinov2, Natalya Elizarova2, Shamil Sabitov3

  • 1V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences
  • 2Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tup
  • 3Kazan Federal University


12:06 - 12:28 | Wed 28 Aug | 013 | WeAT4.4

Session: System Identification for Manufacturing Control Applications


Dynamic model of the automated warehouse management and forecasting system in the conditions of In-dustry 4.0 is discussed. Usage of inductive knowledge base allows to predict the appearance of bottle-necks in advance and actually turns the warehouse management system into an expert with all the neces-sary integral experience, which helps to reduce significantly the financial costs of excessive inventory and to prevent certain components shortage possibility.