Industry 4.0 and Lean Production: An Empirical Study

Matteo Rossini1, Federica Costa1, Alberto Staudacher2, Guilherme Tortorella3

  • 2Politecnico di Milano
  • 3Federal University of Santa Catarina


11:00 - 11:22 | Wed 28 Aug | 004 | WeAT3.1

Session: Lean Production in the Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution


This study aims at investigating the impact of the association between the adoption of Industry 4.0 and Lean Production (LP) on the improvement level of operational performance. To achieve that, we performed a survey with 108 European manufacturers that have been implementing LP and Industry 4.0. The collected data was analyzed through multivariate techniques. Further, findings evidence that higher adoption levels of Industry 4.0 may be easier to achieve when LP practices are extensively implemented in the company. In opposition, when processes are not robustly designed and continuous improvement practices are not established, companies may not be focused on adopting novel technologies either. Copy-right © 2019 IFAC