Data-Based Feedback Controller Tuning Utilizing Collocated and Non-Collocated Sensors

Wataru Ohnishi1

  • 1The University of Tokyo


16:20 - 16:40 | Wed 4 Sep | Room FH 6 | WeE6.2

Session: Precision Scanning Systems in Metrology and Manufacturing I


In motion control applications, such as machine tools and high-precision positioning stages for the semiconductor or flat panel industries, it is becoming common to place sensors on not only the motor side (collocated side) but also the load side (non-collocated side). The load side information enables compensation of transmission dynamics, such as friction or backlash. However, due to the phase lag of the load side frequency characteristics, it is difficult to increase the feedback bandwidth. To address this problem, this paper proposes a feedback controller design method based on frequency response data that utilizes both collocated and non-collocated sensor information. Experimental results show that the proposed method effectively suppresses the input disturbance. Furthermore, the proposed optimization requires less calculation time compared with nonlinear optimization with random initial values and exhibits better performance.