Internal Stability of Disturbance Feedback Control Loops

Jan Dimon Bendtsen1, Fukiko Kawai2

  • 1Aalborg University
  • 2Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.


11:50 - 12:10 | Tue 20 Aug | Lau, 6-209 | TuA2.5

Session: Control Architectures


This paper deals with the so-called Disturbance Feedback Control concept, which is a technique to improve the disturbance rejection capabilities of existing control loops. We perform an internal stability analysis of a generic DFC setup and identifies several stability conditions that the DFC law must satisfy in order to guarantee stable closed-loop operation, assuming all subsystem blocks are linear and time invariant. The validity of the stability conditions are illustrated on two examples, a simple scalar example that serves to illustrate instability in case of an open-loop unstable plant model, and a more involved example concerning a DFC design for a gantry crane considered in earlier publications.