Adaptive Feedback Noise Control for Wide, Square, and Tall Systems

Antai Xie1, Dennis S. Bernstein2

  • 1University of Michigan
  • 2Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan


11:20 - 11:40 | Wed 10 Jul | Room 403 | WeA12.5

Session: Adaptive Control


This paper considers MIMO feedback noise control in a three-dimensional acoustic space, where the plant may be wide, tall, or square. The goal is to investigate the implications of the plant aspect ratio within the context of retrospective cost adaptive control (RCAC), which is susceptible to canceling unmodeled nonminimum-phase transmission zeros. To obtain the necessary modeling information, each control speaker is impulsed, and the data from the resulting impulse response is used to construct the intercalated target model needed by RCAC. No additional system identification or analytical modeling is used for controller implementation. Laboratory experiments are used to evaluate the ability of RCAC to reject harmonic and broadband disturbances for wide, square, and tall sensor/actuator configurations.