Individualized functional mapping of the human brain

Jack Gallant1

  • 1University of California, Berkeley


09:30 - 10:30 | Thu 21 Mar | Grand Ballroom A | ThK1N.1

Session: Keynote by Jack L. Gallant


Modern neuroimaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provide powerful tools for functional mapping of the human brain. However, common methods of neuroimaging are optimized to provide data at the group level and so provide little detailed information about functional maps in individuals. Therefore, functional imaging is rarely used for clinical applications. We have pioneered a new approach to neuroimaging that provides detailed functional maps of each individual’s brain, and under complex, naturalistic conditions. In this talk I will review our approach and explain how we are combining this novel framework with statistical models drawn from machine learning in order to obtain detailed functional maps within the constraints of the clinical setting. Efficient individualized functional mapping will provide new opportunities to use functional brain data for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.