A Geometric Observer for Scene Reconstruction Using Plenoptic Cameras

Sean O'brien1, Jochen Trumpf2, Viorela Ila3, Robert Mahony1

  • 1Australian National University
  • 2The Australian National University
  • 3The University of Sydney


10:20 - 10:40 | Mon 17 Dec | Splash 7-8 | MoA16.2

Session: Observers for Nonlinear Systems I


This paper proposes an observer for generating depth maps of a scene from a sequence of measurements acquired by a two-plane light-field (plenoptic) camera. The observer is based on a gradient-descent methodology. The use of motion allows for estimation of depth maps where the scene contains insufficient texture for static estimation methods to work. A rigourous analysis of stability of the observer error is provided, and the observer is tested in simulation, demonstrating convergence behaviour.