Strategic Battery Storage Management of Aggregators in Energy Demand Networks

Yusuke Okajima1, Kenji Hirata2, Vijay Gupta, Kenko Uchida

  • 1Joetsu University of Education
  • 2Nagaoka University of Technology


17:40 - 18:00 | Wed 22 Aug | Christiansborg | WeC2.6

Session: Distributed Energy Management Towards Clean and Economically-Enabled Society


This paper considers optimization problems of energy demand networks including aggregators and investigates strategic behavior of the aggregators. The participants of the network are an utility company, who plays a role of energy supply source, aggregators and a large number of consumers. We suppose that the network will be optimized by price response based or, in other words, market based optimization processes. We also suppose that the aggregator has a strategic parameter in its cost function and, by choosing the parameter strategically, the aggregator will try to pursue its own benefit. This general problem formulation will apply to a specific problem setting, where the aggregator possess battery storage with different specifications: The one is high-performance and expensive and the other is low-performance and cheap. The aggregator will choose total capacity of storage to be installed and a ratio of high-performance storage to low-performance storage as the strategic parameters and try to increase its own benefit. By using numerical examples, we show that the strategic decision making by the aggregator could provide useful insights in qualitative analysis of energy demand networks.