Fault Tolerant Control for Networked Mobile Robots

Pietro Pierpaoli1, Dominique D.J. Sauter, Magnus Egerstedt1

  • 1Georgia Institute of Technology


13:50 - 14:10 | Wed 22 Aug | Schackenborg | WeB6.2

Session: Fault Detection and Accommodation


Teams of networked autonomous agents have been used in a number of applications, such as mobile sensor networks and intelligent transportation systems. However, in such systems, the effect of faults and errors in one or more of the sub-systems can easily spread throughout the network, quickly degrading the performance of the entire system. In consensus- driven dynamics, the effects of faults are particularly relevant because of the presence of unconstrained rigid modes in the transfer function of the system. Here, we propose a two-stage technique for the identification and accommodation of a biased- measurements agent, in a network of mobile robots with time invariant interaction topology. We assume these interactions to take place only in the form of relative position measurements. A fault identification filter deployed on a single observer agent is used to estimate a single fault occurring anywhere in the network. Once the fault is detected, an optimal leader-based accommodation strategy is initiated. Results are presented by means of numerical simulations and robot experiments.