Coordinated Optimal Control of Constrained DERs

Roland Harvey1, Zhihua Qu, Toru Namerikawa

  • 1University of Central Florida


14:10 - 14:30 | Wed 22 Aug | Christiansborg | WeB2.3

Session: Distributed Energy Resources


In this paper, a coordinated optimal control is designed to simultaneously satisfy multiple power system objectives at the distribution network level. With high penetration of renewables, traditional generation and control may not be enough to compensate for intermittent changes in net load. Dynamic coordination of battery storage devices and demand response at aggregated distributed energy resource (DER) sites becomes necessary to maintain power system operation, however, each dynamic power component operates at different time scales. Frequency stabilization can be achieved by designing optimal controls for traditional generation, storage devices and demand response. The proposed optimal controls naturally render frequency separation of these load balancing mechanisms. Given a 24-hour net load forecast, optimal tracking control inputs are designed subject to constraints of selected system elements to ensure optimal performance of the power system. Simulation results are presented and discussed.