A Novel Automated Construction Scheme for Efficiently Developing Cloud Manufacturing Services

Chao-Chun Chen1, Min-Hsiung Hung2, Po-Yi Li1, Yu-Chuan Lin1, Yu-Yang Liu1, Fan-Tien Cheng1

  • 1National Cheng Kung University
  • 2Chinese Culture University


10:30 - 13:00 | Tue 22 May | podJ | [email protected]

Session: Software


Cloud manufacturing (CMfg) has emerged as a next-generation manufacturing paradigm that has potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. In further promotion of CMfg, how to build CMfg services in an automatic and efficient manner is an essential and challenging subject. Currently, there is no literature addressing such issue. Aimed at facilitating rapid construction of CMfg services, this paper proposes a novel automated construction scheme for developing CMfg services, called MSACS (Manufacturing Service Automated Construction Scheme). First, we develop a three-phase workflow of MSACS to address the issues of how to construct CMfg services automatically using standalone software library package (SSLP). Next, we design a system architecture of MSACS to delineate how to implement MSACS. Then, we depict the designs of MSACS’s core components. Finally, we apply MSACS to conduct industrial case studies to build the AVM (Automatic Virtual Metrology) cloud service and IYM (Intelligent Yield Management) cloud service for an intelligent manufacturing platform. Testing results demonstrate that MSACS can automatically construct the target CMfg services in a very efficient manner after uploading the required SSLPs. Thus, MSACS can significantly alleviate the burden of engineers in building CMfg services, and in turn can facilitate the promotion of CMfg.