Remote Cardiac Monitoring, Reporting and Alarm System: Real-Time Physician Access for High-Risk Heart Patients

Priyanka Kakria1

  • 1Asian Center of Innovation for Sustainability Agriculture Intensification (ACISAI)


18:15 - 20:15 | Mon 5 Mar | Caribbean ABC | MoPO.78

Session: Poster Session # 1 and BSN Innovative Health Technology Demonstrations


This paper reports a heart monitoring system that has been developed to collect cardiac data in real time from remotely located users and transmits them to healthcare service providers, while at the same time generating emergency alerts if and when readings deviate from established normal ranges. By recording multiple vital signs over a long-term horizon and transmitting them in real time, the heart monitor is able to maintain an unbroken patient-doctor connection. And by being calibrated to critical data values, the monitor is able to trigger alerts for the patient, the physician, and well as a responding care facility. As such, the primary benefit of this development is to maintain a patient's connection with their physician, regardless of location. This allows healthcare systems to overcome constraints created by patient-doctor ratios associated with the prevailing static service unit model. A unique advantage of this monitor is that it can record multiple vital signs continuously, and use its built-in intelligent data analysis scheme, identify anomalies that can help the physician with a more accurate diagnosis. The electrocardiograph (ECG) is among the most used biological signals in medical diagnosis, helping the physician accurately ascertain a patient's cardiac status and forming an accurate clinical judgment.