NICE HELP: Non-Invasive Computational Evolution (NICE) for Hemoglobin Level Prediction (HELP)

Md Kamrul Hasan1, Richard Love, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Md Munirul Haque2, Kim Young

  • 1Marquette University
  • 2Purdue University


18:15 - 20:15 | Mon 5 Mar | Caribbean ABC | MoPO.66

Session: Poster Session # 1 and BSN Innovative Health Technology Demonstrations


We report a noninvasive smartphone-based hemoglobin level prediction system that uses the cloud computing resources. The smartphone captures the fingertip video and transfers the video to a cloud for further processing and hemoglobin level estimation. The predicted result is sent back to the user mobile instantly that potentially gives us a point of care facilities.