Vertical Jump Measurement Method in Physical Fitness Test using Smartphone Acceleration Sensor

Mai Shinohara1, Naruhiro Shiozawa

  • 1Ritsumeikan University


18:15 - 20:15 | Mon 5 Mar | Caribbean ABC | MoPO.65

Session: Poster Session # 1 and BSN Innovative Health Technology Demonstrations


Large space and many instruments are required for physical fitness test. The purpose of this study is to achieve a physical fitness test more easily using smartphones with acceleration sensor compared with previous way. Therefore in this paper, we will show the possibility for estimation of vertical jump height by only using an acceleration sensor. First, we measured the acceleration during vertical jump height using an accelerometer. The subjects were 10 healthy adults (21.9 ± 0.7 years old). All subjects were carried out 10 times of jumping continuously. As a result, obtained acceleration showed a very high correlation with the jump height calculated from motion capture (r = 0.90, p