Active Learning with Query Paths for Tactile Object Shape Exploration

Danny Drieß1, Peter Englert2, Marc Toussaint1

  • 1University of Stuttgart
  • 2U Stuttgart


11:15 - 11:30 | Mon 25 Sep | Room 111 | MoAT2.4

Session: Learning and Adaptive Systems I


In the present work, we propose an active learning framework based on optimal query paths to efficiently address the problem of tactile object shape exploration. Most previous approaches perform active touch probing at discrete query points, which leads to inefficient touch-and-retract motions. In contrast, in this paper we propose to query information efficient sliding paths instead of only touch locations. This is realized by three components: A Gaussian process implicit surface model represents the shape and uncertainty of the object. A compliant task/force controller framework fuses the information of this GP model into the parameterization of its tasks, which enables the robot to slide over the unknown object safely and robustly. Thirdly, we develop two strategies to solve the proposed active path querying learning problem. Sliding along those query paths not only creates more dense data than touch probing, but additionally greatly reduces the uncertainty of the object. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework both in simulation and on the PR2 robot platform. Furthermore, it is shown that our methodology can be extended to other learning tasks, such as finding a desired surface normal on an unknown object, e.g. for pushing.