Quantum Dot Solar Cells

Guneet Bedi1, Singh Rajendra2

  • 1Clemson University
  • 2Stanford University


15:30 - 16:15 | Wed 26 Jul | Marquis Ballroom Foyer | WePPP.21

Session: Poster I


Quantum dot (QD)-based solar cells have been the subject of over two decades of research with the hopes of increasing their efficiency to surpass single junction solar cells. To date, no single working device has been developed that surpasses the efficiency of a single junction solar cell. Fundamental issues including unrealistic assumptions involved in theoretical work, tendency of stretching observed experimental results, and lack of both process and dimension control at nanoscale exist with QD-based solar cells making them unlikely to play a significant role in the manufacturing of future generations of PV modules. Silicon (Si)-based photovoltaics (PV) manufacturing will continue to provide sustained growth of the PV industry. This paper presents a review of the fundamental problems associated with QD-based solar cells.