A Course in Prosthetics for the Developing World: Merging Education, Research, and Industry to Teach Biomedical Design for Social Impact

Bryan Ranger, Aikaterini Mantzavinou1

  • 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology


08:15 - 08:30 | Wed 12 Jul | Herrick Room | WeAT7.2

Session: Novel Approaches to BME Education


Under the auspices of the MIT D-Lab, a team of graduate students has instructed a course since 2008 that centers around teaching low-cost prosthetic design for resource-constrained environments. Recently, the course has evolved into a fully immersive design experience that pairs student teams with real-life international stakeholders and industry partners. Following this structure, projects initiated as part of the course have been tested at field sites around the world, stimulated further research, advanced student careers, raised additional grant money, and generated peer-reviewed publications and intellectual property.