Electrocorticographic Dynamics Predict Visually Guided Motor Imagery of Grasp Shaping


16:00 - 17:45 | Fri 26 May | Emerald III, Rose, Narcissus & Jasmine | FrPS2T1.12

Session: Poster II


Identification of intended movement type and movement phase of hand grasp shaping are critical features for the control of volitional neuroprosthetics. We demonstrate that neural dynamics during visually-guided imagined grasp shaping can encode intended movement. We apply Procrustes analysis and LASSO regression to achieve 72% accuracy (chance = 25%) in distinguishing between visually-guided imagined grasp trajectories. Further, we can predict the stage of grasp shaping in the form of elapsed time from start of trial (R2=0.4). Our approach contributes to more accurate single-trial decoding of higher-level movement goals and the phase of grasping movements in individuals not trained with brain-computer interfaces. We also find that the overall time-varying trajectory structure of imagined movements tend to be consistent within individuals, and that transient trajectory deviations within trials return to the task-dependent trajectory mean. These overall findings may contribute to the further understanding of the cortical dynamics of human motor imagery.