Numerical Modeling of Flow-Particulate Behavior under Cough for Assessment of Aspiration Risk


09:05 - 09:55 | Fri 17 Feb | Ballroom D | FrRAF.17

Session: Rapid Fire Session 03: Sensor Informatics II


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is utilized to simulate cough-induced air flow and penetrant dynamics in a three-dimensional geometry of human airway reconstructed from CT images. The computational model allows for turbulent flow-particulate interaction and wall collision. Solid penetrants with the density of wheat were introduced at three different locations points and tracked in the course of the simulated cough. The predicted results include spatio-temporal velocity distribution, and particulate paths for the specific cough conditions considered. The results are analyzed to quantify aspiration risk as functions of airway invasion depth and residue. The study demonstrates the potential of CFD to aid the assessment of penetrant behavior and aspiration in the human airway.