Synchrosqueezing an Effective Method for Analyzing Doppler Radar Physiological Signals

Ehsan Yavari1, Ashikur Rahman2, Jia Xu, Danilo Mandic3, Olga Boric-Lubecke

  • 1University of Hawaii Manoa
  • 2University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • 3Imperial College London


09:15 - 09:30 | Wed 17 Aug | Fantasia Q | WeAT12.6

Session: Physical Sensors and Sensor Systems


Doppler radar can monitor vital sign wirelessly. Respiratory and heart rate have time-varying behavior. Capturing the rate variability provides crucial physiological information. However, the common time-frequency methods fail to detect key information. We investigate Synchrosqueezing method to extract oscillatory components of the signal with time varying spectrum. Simulation and experimental result shows the potential of the proposed method for analyzing signals with complex time-frequency behavior like physiological signals. Respiration and heart signals and their components are extracted with higher resolution and without any pre-filtering and signal conditioning.