An EM Imaging-Based Localization Method with Sparse Reconstruction for Implant Devices

Takahiro Ito1, Taiki Iida1, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang

  • 1Nagoya Institute of Technology


09:15 - 09:30 | Wed 17 Aug | Fantasia P | WeAT11.6

Session: Latest Advances in Radio Frequency, Molecular, and Processing Technologies for In-Body and On-Body Sensor Systems (Part I)


To localize implant devices accurately, it is efficient to estimate a human internal structure with incident electromagnetic waves based on an electromagnetic (EM) imaging technique. In order to realize high resolution in such a localization system, it has been pointed out that huge number of measurement points should be required. To solve this problem, we investigated the possibility to apply the sparse reconstruction to the EM imaging-based localization in order to reduce the measurement points without any deterioration in the estimation accuracy. Moreover, we evaluated the estimation accuracy of our location estimation method with the sparse reconstruction by computer simulations. From the results, it is revealed that the sparse reconstruction is acceptable to the EM imaging-based localization, and the proposed method can estimate the location of an implant device with the accuracy of 1cm under a high signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) condition.