Fast Computation for Secure Communication with Full-Duplex Radio

Lei Chen, Qiping Zhu, Yingbo Hua1

  • 1University of California at Riverside


15:15 - 16:45 | Wed 6 Jul | Salisbury A | S14.4

Session: Signal Processing for full-duplex communications


With good design for radio self-interference isolation and cancellation, full-duplex radio promises to be feasible for real world applications. One of the important applications is secure communication since this radio can receive information from a desired source while it also transmits jamming noise to eavesdroppers at the same time and same frequency. This paper considers a three-node multicarrier network consisting of a source, a full-duplex destination and an eavesdropper where the source and destination both apply power distributions to maximize the secrecy capacity against the eavesdropper. Fast algorithms feasible for real-time applications are developed to achieve maximum secrecy capacity subject to both power constraint and source-to-destination rate constraint.