A Comparative Study of Sparse Recovery and Compressed Sensing Algorithms with Application to AoA Estimation

Ahmad Bazzi1, Dirk Slock2, Lisa Meilhac3, Swarnalathaa Panneerselvan

  • 3CEVA-RivieraWaves


11:30 - 12:45 | Wed 6 Jul | Salisbury B | S13.1

Session: Localization and tracking (indoor and outdoor)


We investigate the performance of some sparse recovery and compressed sensing algorithms when applied to the Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) estimation problem. In particular, we review three different approaches in compressed sensing, namely Pursuit-type, Thresholding-type, and Bayesian-based algorithms. The compressed sensing algorithms reviewed herein are of vast interest when applied to AoA estimation problems because of their ability to resolve sources with a single snapshot and without prior knowledge of the number of sources. We compare the performance of these algorithms in terms of Mean-Square Error (MSE) through simulations.