Selective Multi-Carrier Index Keying OFDM: Error Propagation Rate with Moment Generating Function

Youngwook Ko1

  • 1Queen's University Belfast


11:30 - 12:45 | Wed 6 Jul | Pentland B | R10.4

Session: Coding, Modulation and Equalization


We propose a new selective multi-carrier index keying in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems that opportunistically modulate both a small subset of sub-carriers and their indices. Particularly, we investigate the performance enhancement in two cases of error propagation sensitive and compromised device-to-device (D2D) communications. For the performance evaluation, we focus on analyzing the error propagation probability (EPP) introducing the exact and upper bound expressions on the detection error probability, in the presence of both imperfect and perfect detection of active multi-carrier indices. The average EPP results in closed-form are generalized for various fading distribution using the moment generating function, and our numerical results clearly show that the proposed approach is desirable for reliable and energy-efficient D2D applications.